• Posted Feb. 18, 2020

User Satisfaction with Information Systems: A Comprehensive Model of Attribute-level Satisfaction

Study: User Satisfaction with Information Systems: A Comprehensive Model of Attribute-level Satisfaction


This article proposes and validates a comprehensive model to understand user satisfaction with IT and software applications. The model, which used previous concepts from a heavily-used information systems success model, can provide measures at various levels of granularity. The strongest predictors of satisfaction with the system were ease of use and response time. The strongest predictor of satisfaction with the service, in the context of a PeopleSoft implementation, was accessibility and availability of support services.

How it was studied:

In this study, we introduce and test a comprehensive model of attribute-level satisfaction to measure user satisfaction with information systems (IS). Recognizing that, as complex “objects”, IS feature multiple subsystems, components, and attributes, we draw on marketing research and attribute satisfaction theory to assess user satisfaction across three levels of abstraction. We first assess overall satisfaction as the most abstract level then move to satisfaction with each major IS component (i.e., information, system, and service satisfaction). Subsequently, we measure user satisfaction with key attributes of each major IS component (e.g., information format, system reliability). The results provide a parsimonious yet practical model along with associated measures that can assess user satisfaction across various IS aspects (i.e., components and attributes) and different user interactions with IS.

Take away:

It provides a three-level attribute drill-down approach where practitioners can go into further detail on what are the key drivers of satisfaction. The first level is overall satisfaction. The second level shows overall satisfaction as impacted by the information content provided, the technology itself, and support services. The third level provides even more detail focusing on key attributes associated with second level attributes.  Examples of third level attributes impacting satisfaction include information accuracy and relevance, system reliability and ease of use, and service responsiveness and reliability. The model is designed to be easily understood, and used by industry practitioners to measure user satisfaction with different aspects and qualities of their IT systems and services.

The results can be used to identify areas in need of improvement and measure impacts of various actions on overall user satisfaction, and at the detailed level in relation to the information provided, the technology itself, and support services and their attributes.

Reza Vaezi

Annette Mills

Wynne Chin

Publication Details

  • Authors:Reza Vaezi
  •  Annette Mills
  •  Wynne Chin
  • Categories: Information Systems
  • Link: https://aisel.ais...

Communications of the Association for Information
  • Year: 2019
  • Volume: 45
  • Issue: NA
  • Pages: NA

  • 2489